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Mountain I (2019)

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"I was taken by the mysterious and evocative art works by Weiye Su when I first saw them, and they continue to exude their charms with repeated viewing. I like the fusion of the minimal, almost primitive, technique of pinhole photography with collage and digital drawing. The test strips of pinhole prints included in the collage are muddied with chemicals and light leaks, calling to mind cosmic storms, ancient mountains, volcanic eruptions and the wild power of nature."



Editor-in-Chief LensCulture

The Netherlands


Phantamagoria (2022)

An extract from the artist statement - 


Since childhood, I've been fascinated by nature's timeless wisdom, feeling it harbors secrets beyond human understanding. Seeking clarity and comfort in life, I connected with nature, discovering striking similarities between its forms and everyday objects, sparking my curiosity about their connection...


Encounter (2022)

More Images Selection

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